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SmartSights Feature Requests


Showing 187 of 201

Send SMS and emails

For using Win-911 what communication hardware do I need to be able to send SMS and email as well? Is a ethernet modem enough for both situations, or do I need a modem for SMS and other modem for emails? Kind regards.
Guest over 4 years ago in WIN-911 1 Already exists

Windows Alarm-client

I would like to have a alarmview on my desktop.IT only supports Windows desktop.
Guest over 2 years ago in WIN-911 1

Find in notification

Find feature (CTRL+F) in notification tab wit old version 4.21.3 is very convenient but is not working well with new version 2021 R4. find box hide behind notification title on top.
Guest over 2 years ago in WIN-911 1

Import alarms similar to version 7

In version 7 we had an import function, this gave us a list of all available alarms and we could then choose the ones we wanted and import them. This was very valuable to us, as we do not notify on all alarms. It is very tedious to have to create ...
Guest over 2 years ago in WIN-911 0

Subscriptions on System Platform should see Descendant Area Alarms

System Platform has an ability to group alarms in Areas. There can be a top Area with descendant areas being embedded in this area. Descendant areas in turn can have descendant areas in them. Imagine the following: Area1\DescendantArea1\Descendant...
Guest almost 5 years ago in WIN-911 2

Punctuation filters in "Say As"

Out SCADA setup includes a lot of underscores and periods in the tag names and descriptions. It would be nice if we could filter out underscores in the same way I have been able to do with periods. Possibly longer strings as well. We have things l...
Guest over 2 years ago in WIN-911 0

add option for MAPI for incoming email acknowledgement

I can get alarms on my email but I cant acknowledge them this makes no sense at all. we use MAPI for incoming not IMAP how is it that you do not have all protocols available for this
Guest over 2 years ago in WIN-911 0

The software should work in such a way where, when your stop condition is "Alarm is Inactive", when that same alarm is active again, it should trigger another initial event and send a notification to me once more. What the software actually does is stop and give the following message in the Dispatcher - "The current Strategy is in the Stopped state and Triggers will not be evaluated."

It would be useful so, when others transition from V7 to the new stuff, they won't have to purchase Advanced Tactics. This is on behalf of Howie Li.
Guest almost 5 years ago in WIN-911 0

Must have ability to disable or use same authorization code

Multiple phones are used by on-call staff and are not assigned to specific staff due to rotating schedules. An ability to use the same authorization code or an ability to disable the authorization code feature is needed, so that staff are aware of...
Guest over 2 years ago in WIN-911 0

Win911 internal data transfer monitor required

When you observe some type of malfunctioning on Win911 software, it becomes absolutely essential to see how the signal/value is transferred in real time within components of the software. This will allow the integrator and the support engineer to ...
Guest over 5 years ago in WIN-911 1