I would like a heartbeat from WIN-911 that I can monitor in FTViewSE.
I need to know that WIN-911 is not working. If I need an alarm annunciated, I need to be sure that WIN-911 is alive. Monitoring a heartbeat would let me know that it is still functioning and can be relied upon, especially after hours.
over 4 years ago
in WIN-911
Will not implement
Allow Multiple Mobile Connections with the Same Email Address
The latest version of the software is limited to one user or connection per email address for the Mobile connection type. In previous versions of the software it was possible to create more than one contact for the same user. Is there a functional...
Allow multiple numbers assigned to one contact/authorization code
Currently in the 2021 software, we need to create multiple entries in the contacts list for the same user. Since Win911 requires a new authorization code, the same user needs to remember a different code for each phone number. The legacy Win911 al...
Have Windows focus/bring up Control Center Monitor when an alarm comes in
In previous versions of Win-911, Windows would pop-up and focus on the alarm viewer page when an alarm came in, no need to change windows manually to get to the alarm monitor page.
Ability To Feedback To A SCADA System From WIN911 Software When The GrandStream Is Unavailable
I would like to have the ability to notify a SCADA system , through the WIN911 software when the GRANDSTREAM modem is unavailable on the network, or a call attempt through the GRANDSTREAM failed.
The OPC DA implementation used by Win911 attempts to pull in every single record field on a particular DA Server as opposed to going branch by branch. On large systems, it is unusable as it is trying to collects millions of record fields.
Can you add the ability to filter on Alarm State in the Montior tab in Control Center? In previous versions of 911, Inactive UnkAk alarms didn't show in the alarm viewer, but in 2024, they are showing along with the active alarms.